Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being brave means taking action even though you're scared.

I'm 2/3rds through a public speaking course and I am starting to feel that I might be sorry when it ends. I still don't find it very comfortable speaking in front of a group but yesterday, I volunteered to go first and that was SO much easier than waiting!

That feeling of dread that builds and builds as your turn creeps closer and closer? Gone when you go first! Our own perceptions of how we look and sound when up on the podium can be very different from what other people see and hear. I didn't think I did a good job but people said that I did well. I was easy to understand and took my time. In my mind, I was tongue-trippin' and rushing! Everyone's experience was rather similar to mine (no one felt good about their performance but the audience thought they did a great job!)

I am considering joining Toastmasters after this class is done but I'm not sure I want to make a weekly commitment to do that because golf season is starting shortly!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I always wait just long enough...

for all my followers to get really bored before making a new post.

Recap of the last month:

- Honeymoon in Hawaii was fun

- Going back to work was less fun

Picture of me pondering what it would be like to be in Ironman World Championships in Kona. I'm standing at the start line.