Saturday, October 22, 2011


My visitor count just clicked to 1000 today!  I'm sure I'm about 990 of the hits, but that 1000 just looks so shiny!

What's new?

House for sale
Selling a house in a slooooooow market (aka buyer's market) is a lot more stressful and frustrating than selling a house in a seller's market.

Traveling for work
It used to be that I 'got to travel for work'.  Now, sometimes I 'have to travel for work'.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind traveling when it's to a place I've never been before or to a place like San Fransisco, but when I 'get' to go Regina for the third time in one year?  Well, that's not as much fun!

Making babies
Not yet knocked up.  See previous item for why not.

Presently in my last course for CGA.  I can't wait to finish so that I can... stay doing the same thing I am now?

I love you.  Oh, wait.  That's not new!