Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fresh year, fresh start?

Another New Year, another chance for New Year's resolutions. Mine, of course, are the same as what other people's are: lose weight, exercise more, move to a more temperate climate...

I didn't leave my condo this weekend from New Year's Eve, which was on Thursday, until Sunday afternoon. The only reason I left was because I ran out of milk and eggs! It was just too cold to leave until I absolutely had to! I'm so glad I have the option of working out in my home, as otherwise, my butt would have been on the couch 90% of my waking hours, instead of just 80%.

I ran on the treadmill this morning and after my run, I evaluated my performance. I was a little disheartened to see how much being a sloth for the last 16 months has slowed me down. At this point, I have totally reset myself, fitness-wise and weight-wise, back to where I was in 2005/2006. Slow and heavy. Ugh! After all my hard work, it just snuck back on so easily. It took 4 months to put on 16lbs after Ironman, and another 4 months to add another 5lbs. It's been holding steady every since and I'm finally sick enough of it to do something about it. I can't fit into any of my pants anymore! It's embarassing when I have to go see a customer and I show up in ill-fitting 'business attire' because I refuse to buy bigger clothes. I'm just lucky that I don't have to go out too often.

Unlike last year, I plan on running in at least one half marathon and actually racing in a triathlon this summer. Even if this means finishing BOP (back of the pack.) One of my friends is thinking of doing IMC 2011, but I'm going to hold out until 2012. Well, that's my plan at this point. A lot can happen between now and then...

I'm going to be working from Kelowna for two weeks in February. I plan to use this as a test run to see how working remotely will go. Two weeks probably will just give me a taste of it. I can't wait to get out there!

1 comment:

  1. I have done that in the past too, not leave unless absolutely necessary. I plan on getting in shape myself as well. Maybe I'll do P90x or maybe I will just get back into Yoga and Qi Gong. Either way, my life will be changing 180 degrees very soon. My best wishes go out to you and your goals.
